owner surrender
We know surrendering a pet is a difficult decision, but sometimes the best option for both the owner and the dog. Please fill out the application below if you would like us to consider rehoming your pyr. Someone will be in touch with you after your application has been reviewed.
When you contact us, we will need to know the reasons behind your decision to surrender your dog. We will offer all owners considering surrendering their pets as many alternatives as possible in order to give every family a chance to hold onto their beloved companion. If you feel as though you have no other option but to surrender your dog, please fill out our surrender application.
Note that filling out an application does NOT guarantee we will be able to take in your dog. We will, however, get back to you as soon as possible and will offer any resources we have at that time.
We use the same form and the same information whether you are surrendering a pet or a stray dog that you have found. We realize you may not have all the information on a stray but please provide as much as you can.
When you contact us, we will need to know the reasons behind your decision to surrender your dog. We will offer all owners considering surrendering their pets as many alternatives as possible in order to give every family a chance to hold onto their beloved companion.
We CANNOT take your dog if he/she has a bite history. He/she would be a liability and we cannot take in dogs that would be a liability to the rescue.
Note that filling out an application does NOT guarantee we will be able to take in your dog. We will, however, get back to you as soon as possible and will offer any resources we have at that time.
We use the same form and the same information whether you are surrendering a pet or a stray dog that you have found. We realize you may not have all the information on a stray but please provide as much as you can.
We generally do not take in stray dogs directly, please contact your local animal control. As we do not have a facility of our own, it would be impossible for owners to come and see if we have their pet. Once the stray hold period is over, if no owner comes forward to claim the pet, area rescues such as Great Pyrenees Rescue of Missouri can pull the dogs to join their programs.
If the application is not working in your browser, please click here to open it in a new window.